Nordic Milk sustainability strategy

The aim of the project was to create a sustainability strategy for Nordic Milk that would cover the different aspects of Nordic Milk’s production and products. In addition to environmental impacts, the focus was also on social and governance principles, so the aim was to look at the whole range of ESG issues. Considering that a large part of Nordic Milk’s environmental impact stems from the value chain (mainly from milk production), the approach became broad and inclusive – both from within the company and from a stakeholder perspective. 

Main activities

During the project, focus themes and ambitions were defined, measurable objectives and corresponding metrics were set, and strategic lines of action to achieve the objectives and realise the ambitions were identified.

Process stages

The process was broken down into different stages to ensure that Nordic Milk's management and key people were well involved and could focus as precisely as possible on the issues where their own input was most important.

Agreements and frameworks followed

UN Sustainable Development Goals, the GRI reporting framework, the SBT principles, but also e.g. the Estonian Food Industry Association's self-regulation on sustainable production.


The final creation of Nordic Milk’s sustainability strategy included mapping the current situation, linking it to international objectives, mapping the company’s own and stakeholders’ impacts, as well as the selection of focus topics up to the creation of action lines to achieve the objectives (no detailed action plans were developed). The strategy is still a work in progress and the results will be seen in time but already during the strategy development process, it was felt that great value was created by involving key people in the company and bringing the themes together.

Project manager and team

Marko Siller (Founder & Partner of Sustinere) / Indrek Talpsep (ESG & Change Management Expert) Taavi Vaasma (Environmental Expert), Els Heile (ESG and Regulatory Expert), Simone Sui (Environmental Specialist), Markus Kivimägi (ESG Expert).